A downloadable game

You don't like your neighbours so much, so you have to destroy their planet.
Play against the AI or against a friend. Use a gamepad or the keyboard.

[Controls - keyboard]
Left/Right arrows - turn
Space - Shoot
Control - Dispersion shield (throws energy balls inside the circle)

[Controls - Gamepad]
Left stick - turn around the planet
Right stick - turn the ship
Right trigger - Shoot
Right shoulder button - Dispersion Shield

Bar under ship - Remaining energy (Shooting consumes energy. Bigger ball => more energy)
Number on planet - Planet integrity. If it reaches 0... you lose!
Circle around ship - Your shield range. If it's gray, you can't use it yet.

If a ball gets stuck inside the black hole, it may explode.

Gerard del Castillo
Albert Vaca Cintora
LVGames, Vectorpixelstar, Helianthus Games, Ravenmore


bin.zip 1.9 MB

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